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    August 6th


    Panel 1 - Energy Transition and Decarbonization: towards a low GHG emission industry

    Ana Toni
    Brazil´s Secretary for Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

    Frederico Ayres Lima
    Advisor at Brazil Steel Institute / CEO of Aperam South America

    Thais Terzian
    Senior Analyst of CRU

    Panel 2 - Geopolitics and international steel trade – China and its state policy

    Anthony de Carvalho
    Head of Steel Unit and Senior Economist at the OECD

    Elizabeth Braw
    Atlantic Council

    Germano de Paula
    Professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia

    Jesus Flores
    Chairman of the Committee on Economy and Institutional Relations / Alacero

    Steel Arena

    Silvia Scalzo

    August 7th


    Panel 3 - The challenge of reindustrialization – Opportunities and risks - Industrial policy / Nearshoring

    José Ricardo Roriz Coelho
    Coalizão Indústria / President of ABIPLAST

    Panel 4 - Perspectives for the steel industry – The CEO’s vision

    Executive President of Brazil Steel Institute

    Steel Arena

    Felipe Rosa
    Innovation | Falconi

    Alexandre Landesmann
    Full Professor Dept. of Structures – DE/FAU Lab. Structures – LABEST/PEC/COPPE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

    Natan Neves
    Researcher P.D.Sc. Structures Lab – LABEST/PEC/COPPE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

    Dinar Camotim
    Full Professor, Higher Technical Institute, University of Lisbon – Portugal